About Us


NTA Tooting is the headquarter branch for the New Testament Assembly in the UK and is a vibrant family church sometimes boasting up to four generations worshipping together in the same space. Our church is made up of ordinary, everyday people whose lives have been transformed by the life, love and message of Jesus. At NTA Tooting you will encounter the love of God, peace, healing and empowerment.


Sometimes referred to as ‘mother church,’ NTA Tooting has provided a model of excellence, innovation and leadership to the other branches and beyond. Our 800 seated high tech sanctuary host several conferences and conventions throughout the year. And whilst historically it represents a landmark for the achievement of the Caribbean Diaspora in the UK, it also serves as a worship centre and house of prayer for all nations and diversity.


Here at NTA Tooting we seek to be God’s heart to the community. Over the years this has lead to a plethora of various community programmes including a bustling Neighbourhood Centre, providing care for seniors, a drop-in Centre and a thriving home help service.


We are grateful to God for the tremendous legacy that our founders have left and for the opportunity that we have to continue with God’s enabling to proclaim his Kingdom and to see fallen humanity restored to his image.