The Month of October | Monthly Bulletin | 2018 |

The Month of October | Monthly Bulletin | 2018 |

The Month of October | Monthly Bulletin | 2018 |

# Bulletin

The Month of October | Monthly Bulletin | 2018 |

From the Pastors Desk

Our mission: To proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all humanity and to impact the Kingdom of God at all levels of community and social life.

In September we marked the start of our new ministry year with an awesome vision cast, “the church I see”. On Vision day we clarified our mission and realign ourselves to the vision of the house. Without a doubt, we have a compelling mission and clear vision; ‘a portrait of a preferred future’. To the extent that we are able to grasp and together, embrace this, we will become an unstoppable force for change in the Kingdom of God.

This is a great time to seek the Lord in prayer about the unique part he wants you to play in turning vision into reality. Let’s start now!

This month, we will be joining with our strategic partners across Wandsworth to mark the 10th year of our Healing our Broken Village programme. I want to invite you to come along to the HOBV conference on 25/10 and hear how church and community are working together to address mental health, particularly within the Black community.

October is also the month of remembrance and will include an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the African Caribbean diaspora as we mark the 70th year since Windrush.

As the seasons change, with the days getting darker and the nights getting colder, I declare this October that the pathway of the just will be as the shining light, that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. (Proverbs 4.18)

+Delroy Powell

Whats Happening at NTA Tooting

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  New Testament Assembly - Tooting | @NTATooting | Charity no. 264885   ·   The Sanctuary home of The New Testament Assembly, 7 Beechcroft Road, Tooting Bec, London, SW17 7BU       0208 672 9416