Sunday Sermon: Let’s Thrive Together - Pastor Andrew Wignal

Sunday Sermon: Let’s Thrive Together - Pastor Andrew Wignal

Sunday Sermon: Let’s Thrive Together - Pastor Andrew Wignal

# Study

Sunday Sermon: Let’s Thrive Together - Pastor Andrew Wignal

Let’s Thrive Together (Thriving in our relationships)

Hebrews 10:22-25

We were created to be in relationship

  1. Relationship with God
  2. Relationship with our neighbours- the people around us
  3. Relationship with our spouses
  4. Relationship with our friends
  5. Relationship with our colleagues

We are stronger together

The Book of Hebrews is a “message of encouragement” or “word of exhortation”.

Hebrews is full of encouragement, exhortations and warnings.

The author of the Hebrews is unknown- they do not introduce themselves at the start or at any point in the book. Many however believe it was the Apostle Paul. Regardless of who the writer is, what is clear is the strong themes in this book and it’s function as a ‘message of encouragement’ or ‘exhortation’ to the Hebrews, the Jewish Christians.

They were being encouraged not to return to or lapse into old ritualistic worship that did not place Christ at the centre. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the atonement or their sins was superior; Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice once and for all, and the book of Hebrews emphatically reminds the reader of this important fact. The rituals of temple worship that preceded Christ’s death and resurrection were now ineffective as Christ had established a new order, a ‘new and living way’. The blood of Jesus spoke better things over them.

Hebrews 10

22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

We can come boldly- the Hebrew Christians needed to be reminded that they were able to draw near and they didn’t need to be afraid

23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

This is a powerful statement- Provoke me to love and do good- this idea of provoking is intentional- it’s emotive- it’s inciting, it’s stirring up- give me no choice but to love... it’s not passive, it is active

New Testament scholar John Robinson remains us:

Love needs stimulation and society. Faith and hope can be practiced by a solitary, in a hermit’s cell or on a desert island. But the exercise of love is possible only in a community.”

We have to be together to show love... Hallelujah!

25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

We gather together not just because we feel like it- we gather to give to God and to each other. Someone else depends on your presence...

  • We gather together to give God our worship together. There is something special about corporate worship.
  • We gather time give God our best.
  • We gather to encourage each other and strengthen one another.
  • We gather to work together in the Kingdom.

Some of us have been disconnected, isolated, felt low during this pandemic... the lack of physical contact has been extremely difficult...

Let us get ready to gather together again

We can do this together

  • Let us support one another
  • Let us serve one another
  • Let us volunteer to support the ministry
  • Let us be confident
  • Let us support one another
  • Let us provoke one another to good works
  • Let us not cast away our confidence: God is working everything for our good
  • Let us embrace this new season
  • Let us not be afraid
  • Let us not grow weary in the midst of challenges
  • Let us be united

We have had time to work on ourselves and be more aware of who we are and who we are not so that we can better relate to those around us

We have been restored to relate; individually restored so we can relate

We have a new opportunity to love one another in a new way.

We thrive in our relationships with:

  • Time
  • Love
  • Sincerity

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