Prayer Ministry Course

Prayer Ministry Course

Prayer Ministry Course

# Study

Prayer Ministry Course

The Institute of Theology & Christian Counselling (ITCC) In Collaboration with The Director of Prayer

Prayer Ministry Course

Touching Heaven Impacting Earth: The Ministry of Prayer in the Life of the Believer & the Church

1. Introduction

Prayer is a central Ministry of the church, the essential ingredient that enables the effectiveness of all ministries and individual believers. Without prayer the church becomes an Organisation like any other rather than a living Organism. Prayer is the air that Christians breathe. It is a difficult discipline for most believers and need to be cultivated with the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus lived a life of prayer which his disciples wanted to emulate when they asked him to teach them to pray Matt 6 v 9 -13; Luke 11 v 2-4

The importance of the centrality of Prayer to all ministries in every church cannot be over emphasised. Throughout the Old & NT prayer was offered before major events and that Bible contain some major examples of prayer, see Exodus 32 v9-14; Ps 51; 2 Kings 19 v 14-19; Ps 139; Neh. 1 v 2v9; 2 Chron. 6v12 – 42; Luke 22 v 39 v 46.

2. Rationale for the Programme.

We recognise our dependence on God for success in all that we attempt to accomplish in His name. We also recognise that there is an acceptable manner in which we should approach God in prayer. We acknowledge that our relationship with Christ and our spiritual growth is based on our prayer life. We realise that our world is in a desperate state and it will take prayer to move the hand of God to bring about the necessary change in our church, in our society, in governments and in individuals.

3. Aims of the Programme

A key aim of the module is to assist believers with their comprehension of the role of prayer in the life of the believer and cooperatively. Believers will gain critical understanding and knowledge of the dynamics and spiritual dimensions of prayer. The theology of prayer will be examined in detail drawing from key prayers in both the Old & New Testament. Believers will be encouraged to reflect on their own prayer life, explore biblical formulas for effective praying and helped to differentiate between the types of prayers. Prayerlessness will be challenged and we will explore together the art of praying in order to enjoy a victorious life.

The overarching aim of the programme is to galvanize and equip an army of prayer warriors who will move heaven, engage with the enemy and limit his destructive activities in the earth.

4. Programme Content

The programme will begin with a theological refection on prayer and the keys prayers and praying individuals of the Bible. Emphasis will be placed on elucidating concepts, principles and structure of prayers as demonstrated in scripture. The concepts and importance of Corporate prayer will be dealt with in detail. Other essential contents will include the Model Prayer, the transforming power of prayer, types of prayer to include deliverance prayers, the significance of the eight watches of the day, how to pray effectively and include praise, worship and thanksgiving in praying.

Who Should Attend?

  • Every believer with a desire to be more effective in his/her prayer life;
  • Prayer Leaders & Intercessors;
  • Team leaders;
  • Those with a passion for Prayer Evangelism.

7. Times of sessions & Location

The course will be convened at 28 Glenburnie Road London SW17 7PY for 12 sessions on Mondays 7:30pm to 9:30 pm

8. Assessment

Students will be expected to:

  • a) Complete a 1500 words Personal Reflection on the impact of the course on his/her personal prayer life
  • b) 1000 words essay on Spiritual Warfare or 1000 words essay on Spiritual Mapping.

9. Start Date:

Monday February 18th 2019

10. Fees

A contribution of £15.00 per session

Time to Pray

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