Online Children's Ministry Resources

Online Children's Ministry Resources

Online Children's Ministry Resources

# Study

Online Children's Ministry Resources

Greetings Parent’s and Carer’s

It is vitally important that during this unprecedented break from formal education that we do what we can to help maintain our children’s current level of education or better still, to improve on it. Effort and commitment now will ensure that there is no educational fall off when children finally return to school or college.   

Here are some links to some free resources which you can incorporate into some form of learning routine at home. It would be good if you could aim for a minimum of 1 to 2 hours of focussed learning activities with your child/children each day. Also, children who spend time each day learning more about the Bible and learning more about God will experience continued spiritual growth.

Download our Home Learning Timetable with link to our blank Weekly Learning Planner

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Online Sunday School Resources

Ages 3 to 5

Activity Village free resources
(21 pdfs’ accessible via zip file)

Kids on the Move

Bible Adventure: Life Kids  
Cross Kids Club    
Bible song 

Ages 6 to 12

Bible Pathway Adventures have provided a time limited free Easter resource ‘He is Risen’. Parents need to access and print one copy before the 6 April 2020 deadline. Please note the workbook is 86 pages long. Its excellent and will engage children learning or reviewing the Easter Story in an exciting and enjoyable way. Use the code Risen100 at the checkout stage.       


Cross Kids Club
Easter Activity Pack 


Animated Easter Story
Kids on the move YOU TUBE TV Channel

Ages 13 to 16

Children’s Ministry Deal on Jesus Arrest access via


The children can work on the discussion topics and then talk through their findings with you.

Look under the heading 'Additional Information' for wide educational content for this age group.




Superbook (animated Bible stories, TV shows and Apps) 

Bible Kids (download to smart phone or tablet)

Guardians of Ancora (download to smart phone or tablet)


Additional information

BBC Bite sized free educational curriculum resources available via Twinkl


Amazon are providing free audio on its Audible platform with no need to take up membership on


You may need to copy the URL and paste it into your search engine e.g. Goggle


Recommended reading list for primary and secondary aged children with some advice for parents of young children.


Limited access to recommended book list for primary aged children but there are some very interesting titles.


Praise and Worship Songs



Parents please closely supervise the children whilst they are engaged in the craft-based activities on the following links. 





Re: Bibles versions for children and young people

When working Children's Ministry topics at home give the children access to a Bible that is appropriate for their level of understanding. Younger children will find the English to Read Version (ERV) or International Children’s Bible (ICB) easier to understand than the versions used by most adults.

For older children the New Living Translation (NLT); English Standard Version (ESV) or Good News Translation (GNT) are appropriate.


Sample HOME LEARNING timetable for children aged 5 years and above

Attached is a link to a sample timetable that you can use with the children during this period whilst they are away from school.


On Sundays

During extended family time, work with the children working on their spiritual development. This can include discussion around a bible verse; Play Scrabble using biblical words; Praise and Worship; Completing a biblical themed floor puzzle if you have one

If you need any additional help setting up a timetable or experience any issues with accessing the information on this page, please email for assistance.

We hope that above all that you enjoy this time with the children

Grace and Peace to you all Children’s Ministry Team

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