Update- Worship this Sunday 10th January 2021

Update- Worship this Sunday 10th January 2021

Update- Worship this Sunday 10th January 2021

# News

Update- Worship this Sunday 10th January 2021

Wednesday 6th January 2021

Dear Members and Friends, 

RE: Update- Worship this Sunday 10th January 2021 

We pray you are well and that 2021 is a year of divine prosperity, protection, and peace for you and your households. 

As you are all aware, the COVID climate has intensified since last week and subsequently, we have now entered a national lockdown as a country. In light of this, and in continuing to prioritise the safety and well-being of our church community, I can confirm that we will not be gathering in-person at the Sanctuary this coming Sunday 10th January 2021, but we will be streaming our service online, as we have been doing for the last few weeks. 

Following this, I will be writing to update you early next week regarding our longer-term strategy for our worship services over the next few months. 

Please continue to keep safe and well and connect with all the online church services and activities- we as a church are still very much in operation. We are here to support you. Please do not hesitate to contact us via the church office should you need any assistance. Be assured of our prayers. We are stronger together. 

With every blessing, 

Pastor Andrew Wignal 

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  New Testament Assembly - Tooting | @NTATooting | Charity no. 264885   ·   The Sanctuary home of The New Testament Assembly, 7 Beechcroft Road, Tooting Bec, London, SW17 7BU       0208 672 9416       info@ntatooting.org.uk